Daughters day sms
Happy Daughter’s Day to a smart, good-looking,charming,all-around great daughter!
I Still remember those days,
Those beautiful memories,
And the moments with
Lovely Daughter I Spent
Happy Daughter’s DaY
A daughter is the happy memories of the past,
the joyful moments of the present,
and the hope and promise of the future.
A daughter is the best thing that can happen to you
because a daughter fills you heart with magic and love..
Happy Daughters Day!!
It's so nice to have a daughter like you who brings happiness to the family,That's why, on Daughter's Day, You're wished all of the wonderful things you deserve.
Loving Daughter Quotes
A daughter is a day brightener and a heart warmer.
-- Author Unknown
A daughter is a miracle that never ceases to be miraculous...full of beauty and forever beautiful...loving and caring and truly amazing.
-- Deanna Beisser
A daughter is one of the most beautiful gifts this world has to give.
-- Laurel Atherton
A mother's treasure is her daughter.
-- Catherine Pulsife
A daughter may outgrow your lap, but she will never outgrow your heart.
-- Author Unknown
Mothers and daughters are closest, when daughters become mothers.
-- Author Unknown
A daughter is a mother's gender partner, her closest ally in the family confederacy, an extension of her self. ~Author Unknown
What the daughter does, the mother did. ~Jewish Proverb
The woman who bore me is no longer alive, but I seem to be her daughter in increasingly profound ways. ~Johnnetta Betsch Cole
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