Trimbakeshwar -Tri Ambakani Trimbaka means The Lord who has Three Eyes.
Location of Trimbakeshwar:
About 38 kms away from Nashik Road Railway Station, it is connected by bus and taxi service. There are modern Dharmashalas (caravansary) built by charitable Gujarathi Community available for stay for three days to any individual. The stay can be extended by written permission of the trustees. Besides, there are big houses of Kshetropadhyes (the local priests), where lodging and boarding is made available.
Getting there:
By Air : Nearest airport is Nashik 39 kms.
By Rail : Nearest railhead is Nashik Road 44 kms on Central Railway.
By Road : Bombay - Trimbakeshwar 180 kms.
Nashik - Trimbakeshwar 28 kms.
Trimbakeshwar, which is 28 kms. (18 miles) from Nashik. It is a religious center having one of the twelve JYOTIRLINGA of the world. The extraordinary feature of the Jyotirlinga located here is that it has three faces embodying Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu & Lord Mahesh(Shiva). All other JYOTIRLINGA have Shiva as the main deity. The temple is known for its appealing architecture and sculpture and is at the foothills of a mountain called Brahmagiri. Godavari River originates on Bramhagiri mountain and meets to the sea near Raj Mahendri, AP
Religious festivals at Trimbakeshwar:
1. Sinhastha Kumbha Mela - Once in twelve years when Bruhaspati or Jupiter is in Sinha Rashi (zodiac sign Leo)
2. Godavari day - In the month of Magha (February) - the first twelve days of bright moon.
3. Nivrutti Natha festival - three days in Pausha - sometime in January.
4. Rathayatra of Trimbakeshwar - On the full moon day of the month Kartika , called Tripuri Paurnima- sometime in November
5. Mahashivaratri - on the 13th day of Krishna paksha of the month Magha - some time in March.
Pujas performed here:
This place is famous for lots of religious rituals (vidhis). Narayan Nagbali, Kalsarpa Shanti, Tripindi vidhi etc are done here.
Narayan Nagbali puja is performed at Trimbakeshwar only. This puja is performed for three days. This puja is performed on special dates (muhurt). Some days in the year are not suitable to perform this puja. This puja is performed for many reasons like to cure an illness, going through bad times, killing a Cobra (Nag), childless couples, financial crisis or you want to perform some religious puja to have a peacefull & happy life to you and your family members
What is Kalsarpa Yog?
This happens when there are all planets coming between Rahu and Ketu. This results in failure and dejection. because all the karyas don?t happen accordingly to the efforts put in. often leading to negativity, and inferiority complex. This vidhi done by vaidik procedure is very effective although very simple. There is a special pooja to be done which can be done at our place. or you can get this pooja done at your place, we are open for help regarding the pooja. The Kal Sarp Yoga is formed when all the planets are situated between Rahu & Ketu.
Kalsarpa Shanti Pooja at Trambakeshwar:
Kalsarpa Yog Shanti Pujan must be performed according to the conventions of the Vedic Shanti
heritage. The ritual is begun with a holy dip in the Godavari signifying the purification of the mind and
soul. Followed by worshipping Lord Mahamritunjay Trimbakeshwar only after which the main
ceremony begins.

Great blog post. Trimbakeshwar Temple is one of the holiest and sacred place for Hindu pilgrims and is revered as a one of the 12 jyotirlinga shrins of Lord Shiva in India. The temple lies in the foothill of mountain Bhramagiri which is the origin of river Ganga. Click here to know about hotels in Trimbakeshwar.
ReplyDeleteGreat blog post. Proper and deatiled information given by you. Trimbakeshwar Temple in Trimbak town is dedicated to Lord Shiva, Nasik (Maharashtra). There are many Pandit's and Brahmins who served various Puja at Trimbakeshwar. We are having website same as your blog. If there are other ways we could collaborate or work together, I would love to discuss them.
ReplyDeleteBasically, I need a do follow backlink.
Great blog post. Proper and deatiled information given by you. Trimbakeshwar Temple in Trimbak town is dedicated to Lord Shiva, Nasik (Maharashtra). There are many s and Brahmins who served various Puja at Trimbakeshwar. We are having website same as your blog. If there are other ways we could collaborate or work together, I would love to discuss them.
ReplyDeleteBasically, I need a do follow backlink.
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